


13 March, 2010
What are we if not defined by what we do? We can have thousands of incredibly lucid and moving thoughts, and it means absolutely nothing without action. The concept of knowledge without communication applies. In the context of bettering the state of mankind, knowledge without media to be transmitted across is useless. Knowledge (lucid thoughts) can be useful for personal exploration, but sharing (communication) is where you can define who you are.


22 February, 2010
I need to travel.

How Can We Know?

30 January, 2010
There is no way to really know what people are thinking. Utterly impossible. It all depends: do you believe them? Do you trust them?

Suburbia's Coddled Kids

23 January, 2010
Found this at Sam Weller’s bookstore in Salt Lake City. It looks to be good. The synopsis reads:“If we were once a melting pot,” writes Peter Wyden, “we are no longer. The ingredients in the pot are separating and congealing … More and more kids come to know only their neatly manicured, fumeless, comfortably monotonous bedroom communities where there are almost no old people, no poor, no childless, no Negroes, either no Jewish families or many, no sidewalks, no places to explore except by mother-chauffeured car, no houses or incomes too different from those of their parents.

By ~pebble-rebel

23 January, 2010
This was my final exam peice on Habitat. Really pleased with it. Its gigantic i think its 120cm x 80cm. I used whitewashed some envelopes and old bureaucratic forms. Then individually stencilled over 100 post it notes with two slightly different stencils. I then used bull dog clipped a massive pleace of perspex over it.All to emulate my idea of loss of identity and being entrapped by large faceless corporations, and also the weak attempts of people to be a bit different.

The Third and The Seventh

17 January, 2010
Watch it full-screen.

Umbrella Weather

16 January, 2010
To be drawn out of doors by the first sign of rain on the window, to be happier drenched than dry, to go out in weather that others come in from, warrants a stare from passing faces, and i know what it means: there goes someone with serious problems. Problems I have, and a nasty stammer to prove it. But when I run into streets that are shiny, my love of the downpour doesn’t mean

Abolishing Adventure

14 January, 2010

We Can't

14 January, 2010
"There is no escape. You can't be a vagabond and an artist and still be a solid citizen, a wholesome, upstanding man. You want to get drunk, so you have to accept the hangover. You say yes to the sunlight and your pure fantasies, so you have to say yes to the filth and the nausea. Everything is within you, gold and mud, happiness and pain, the laughter of childhood and the apprehension of death.

Recent Music Additions

12 January, 2010
We Were Here - Joshua Radin Beautiful acoustic guitar and meaningful lyrics. Good stuff. Special thanks to Sierra for introducing me to his music. In Our Bedroom After the War - Stars Good good stuff. Especially “Personal” (See previous post) and “Barricade.” Also thanks to Sierra. EP - Annasay Really polished sound and catchy songs for a band you’ve never heard of. Notes and Rhymes - The Proclaimers
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